is non-empty and has at least elements, where is the element of . halts when given as input, where is a given Turing machine that halts whenever given an infinite set as input. (Note that this encompasses the preceding three examples as special cases, by selecting appropriately.) We wi...
(The Poisson equation, being elliptic, is relatively easy to solve to high accuracy by standard methods, such as finite element methods.) If the potential is quite smooth and slowly varying, then one expects the wave functions to be quite delocalizated, and for traditional approximations such ...
Which element would you expect to be more metallic? a) In or Al b) S or Cl c) Br or I What is the name of an element in one of the 14 groups shown separately at the bottom of the periodic table? Explain the difference between 2nd and 3rd of group...
So many times, UI designers decide that some element isn’t necessary anymore, whether it be the Windows start button (in Win 8), the up folder button, the text input box in the file load dialog, the unread-tab state in Firefox, or some other thing. They don’t seem to grasp (or...
The melting gallium under it would soak into the aluminum, disrupting its structure and causing it to become as soft and weak as wet paper. The burning sulfur would spill into thebromine. Bromine is liquid at roomtemperature, a property it shares with only one other element-mercury. It's ...
Doping is the process of adding impurities to an element in order to affect its electrical properties. Because silicon is abundant on the planet, it is fairly inexpensive. Chips are purpose-built devices that can be employed in a variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, ...
Once the parent nucleus emits the electron, there will then be an additional proton, increasing the atomic number. In nuclear terms for some elementA, beta decay can produce a daughter nucleus of the element adjacent to it in the periodic table. In this case...
Robert Turner’s, Botanologia the Brittish physician, or, the nature and vertues of English plants advocated anointing feet with the herbs ‘ladies bedstraw or gallium’ before they undertook a journey. There was even a term for this: to ‘surbate’ was to ‘batter the feet with long ...
There's no rush,though,because most of these elements are so unstable that they can be created only in particle accelerators and don’t exist for more than a few minutes.If you had100,000atoms of Livermorium (element116),after a secondyou’d have oneleft-and a few hundred millisecondslate...
Thallium, Tl, is the element with atomic number 81 and lies just below indium in the periodic table (same column as boron, aluminium, and gallium). It’s tasteless, colourless, and odourless and would be undetectable if sprinkled into food or a drink in a restaurant. Thallium ions have ...