when your battles wea when your friend visi when-issued market whenever i read whenever the pig does whenever you make a p whenpermitted whenua whenbabyyoudontloveme whenimkneelingatyourf whenisaidgoinevermean whensomeone lose you whenyouspeakenglishyo when the love falls whenyou look inmyeyes...
You are here:Countries/Geographic Wiki/What does Che mean in Cajun? I believe that you are referring to “Cher Cher” which is an affectionate name for a child. It means “Dear Dear” as in “dear little thing.” In Louisiana English this is pronounced “Sha Sha.” (“A” pronounced ...
The blend of psychedelic experimentation with straight-up blues makesElectric Ladylanda journey that never gets tiring. Songs like “Voodoo Child” reflect Hendrix’s love for the blues, but there’s also plenty to be found inside sprawling jams like “1983 … (A Merman I Should Turn Out to ...
So when Matt Lauer opened with a half dozen or twenty questions about email, I wasn't too surprised, but that was before I learned that each candidate only had 30 minutes. That's why Mean Matt kept shushing her whenever she tried to answer a question, calling her "Mrs. Clinton" instead...
2. People will say mean things about your dog, your wife, your girlfriend, or about all three. Worse, they trash you.3. If you went to Brown, snide people will remind you and your friends that Brown used to be the safety school for the Ivies. ...
“He does the work of three men: Larry, Curly, and Moe.” If you have a favorite slam you’d like to share, feel free to add it in the comments. If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our hostess is the quick twitted Muggle-Wumps Wisoff-Fields.. If you’d like to participate...
Still, it does happen: a spill in a school science lab, a broken thermometer, a faulty old tooth filling, a leak at a factory. By far, though, the most common route of exposure is through seafood, particularly the largest and oldest fish, which have spent the most time eating smaller ...
So while I agree that most game developers aren't interested in taking the time to make something substantive from attribute ranges and other such things, that doesn't mean that it isn't possible or that someone else shouldn't bother to try. As a developer, I can readily build in...
–they will tell you without asking which tornado you mean. In a city where tornadoes are a way of life, this is pretty significant when you consider the one in question happened some 42 years ago, destroying numerous neighborhoods, schools, and nearly all the old-growth trees in Cherokee ...
9/ Trust the process:By this I mean the development process; I don’t meanthe plan,the logframeorthe design, I meanthe process of trying to put into place the elements above. If we are: putting people first, believing that we are personally an instrument of change, ...