when your battles wea when your friend visi when-issued market whenever i read whenever the pig does whenever you make a p whenpermitted whenua whenbabyyoudontloveme whenimkneelingatyourf whenisaidgoinevermean whensomeone lose you whenyouspeakenglishyo when the love falls whenyou look inmyeyes...
The blend of psychedelic experimentation with straight-up blues makesElectric Ladylanda journey that never gets tiring. Songs like “Voodoo Child” reflect Hendrix’s love for the blues, but there’s also plenty to be found inside sprawling jams like “1983 … (A Merman I Should Turn Out to ...
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who...
Now, 30 years ago the word "walker" didn't mean anything scary. Unless you have a phobia of senior citizens at malls before 9am. But ever since Robert Kirkman's 'The Walking Dead' entered American pop culture, zombies have now become commonly referred to as "walkers". So suddenly Walker...
Seriously, go put on “Clash City Rockers” (the 1st song) and see what I mean. Then move over to “Complete Control” and pay attention to what it does to your body (I just listened to it again for the millionth time: adrenaline and goosebumps…again). I have to listen to the ...
Still, it does happen: a spill in a school science lab, a broken thermometer, a faulty old tooth filling, a leak at a factory. By far, though, the most common route of exposure is through seafood, particularly the largest and oldest fish, which have spent the most time eating smaller ...
Does Scalia have gall enough not only to have sent an order to Florida telling Florida citizens to cease the manual countings which were well underway a few days ago, but also now to say that the Florida Supreme Court has no right to to amend and clarify the explanatory narrative language...
“Voodoo Woman” next. “They call me the voodoo woman…and I know the reason why…cause, Lord…if I raise my name…the sky is going to cry.” We segue to “Too Tired,” a Johnny “Guitar” Watson tune, and Casey more than does it justice. “Well, time to walk…time to run…...
Ghalia does the same type of mid-song changeup on the up-tempo "It Ain't Bad," moving to a stop-time beat at times. Ghalia Volt takes blues into a different world, and it's one that I enjoy exploring. The next time she decides to take a train trip through Arizona, I hope ...
It’s a marked change from the speaker’s otherwise smooth approach, and does mean you won’t be able to push the Newport as loud as it you might ideally like. MORE: Best wireless speakers 2018 Verdict But that’s not a complete deal-breaker, especially if you’re predominantly using ...