Does biology or the environment affect human development more? What is a trait shared by two organisms due to parallel evolution? What is the comparative approach in biology? What is redeployment in developmental biology? Which two ideas did Darwin use to explain evolution?
What is meant by the term single gene trait? How can gene flow be measured? What process helps gene flow happen in animal populations? How is a gene pool like a pool of genes? How does gene flow alter allele frequencies? W...
What does it mean to be organized in developmental biology? What's the difference between the law of independent assortment and the law of segregation? What is genetic variability? What causes genetic variability? What do chromosomes control?
7. Lemursare Smart. Lemurs are not only handsome, they are also really smart. ... But lemurs not only share our trait of opposable thumbs, but according to “lemurs have the ability to learn patterns, and they even have object discrimination skills. Are lemurs friendly? In...
factor personality theory, the MBTI is based on a type theory of personality. Where trait theories conceptualize personality characteristics as being spectrums that everyone falls on at a certain point, type theories focus on using an individual’s personality traits to place them in specific ...
Being gender non-binary does not mean not ever performing gender in typical ways. Many non-binary people have more feminine or masculine presentations, while others prefer a gender-neutral appearance. Appearing feminine or masculine does not, however, cancel out their identity as non-binary. ...
What does it mean being immortal? 1 :exempt from death the immortal gods. 2 : exempt from oblivion : imperishable immortal fame. 3 : connected with or relating to immortality. 4 : able or tending to divide indefinitely immortal cell lines produced in culture. ...
What does divergent evolution mean? Types of Evolution: There are many types of evolution that describe the variation in species. The types of evolution are divergent evolution, convergent evolution, and parallel evolution. Answer and Explanation: ...
However, with few exceptions, these explain little of the variance in the disease or trait they are associated with. The reason for this lack of explanatory power has been the subject of much speculation. Here I explore one of these explanations - that mutations which affect traits also affect...
Why does gene flow decrease variation? What does deme mean in biology (genes/mating)? What do genes determine? Define gene therapy. Is gene flow an evolutionary mechanism? How are genetic drift and gene flow different? What is meant by diluting the gene pool?