I’d be lying if I said the aggressive touts, the traffic, the motorcycle exhaust, or the endless stream of drunken Aussies don’t sully the Bali travel experience. But that doesn’t mean it needs to define it. This 10-day Bali itinerary won’t be the perfect fit for everyone. It’...
From time to time, the Chef and I like to put on “special dinners”. Usually consisting of a several coarse tasting menu. He does most of the cooking, while I do the arranging, the shopping, the decor and the clean up. And if I’m lucky, sometimes I actually am allowed to make ...
“So, do you think these things will stay after all this is over? I mean, I’m sure they might come in handy in certain circumstances.” Roger said. Divided by the glass, the two sat at the bar. Dana had no trouble hearing Roger’s deep baritone anchorman’s voice. “Like when y...
What does that all mean, concretely, for my work? I imagine that question will consume me for a while! Right now, I am driven to use improvement research methods to prioritize outcomes that serve to improve students’ comfort, agency, and dignity in schools. For example, in a previous pro...
But what exactly does that mean? First example: As long as the dancers are still standing in front of each other, i.e. have not yet taken a step in the room, the gentleman has to prepare the lady’s step. From standing to walking, no matter which direction alwaysmeans“something new...
Also, one time when I got the milk it tasted very “fishy”. I have read that it could be from the early spring grass, but I’ve also heard that it could mean the fat in the un-homogonized milk has oxidized. Does anyone else have experience with their milk tasting fishy?
When oh when oh when will you learn that Chartreuse does not mean you are dead! If you don’t understand Chartreuse I will never be able to explain stars. I have tried. I even begged the neighbors to shut off some of their outdoor lights…. nicely, very very nicely I asked them to...
Something else that most movies would not think to include is a self-surgery scene featuring the antagonist. As we’ve seen, usually self-surgery is used to extol the toughness and self-sufficiency of our hero. So what happens when the Predator does it? Exactly the same thing, plus a lit...
Fighting it does not mean asking for the religious schools to be banned, it means working towards the day when they are voluntarily abandoned as bad ideas. It means keeping an eagle eye on public institutions and demanding accountability. It means putting your ear to the ground and listening ...