Homecoming Weekend: What Does It Mean To You? by@thewritermamaonOctober 2, 2021 Homecoming. Home coming. Coming home. Come home. It’s that time of year when there is a lot of stuff going on out there in the world. But do you know what my favorite thing to do is?
In the deserts and cities of Syria, I traipsed around Roman ruins with three devout Christian girls from New Zealand, and even as I realised how differently they saw the country by looking through the prism of religion, I also saw how differently we were all treated by the Syrians once w...
Leaving sex in the bedroom when appropriate doesn’t mean being less (or more) sexual, nor does it mean sneering at those who do make it more a part of their public persona. What it might do is help us see it for what it is, instead of what it’s not. ...
I’d be interested to hear you expand slightly on elastane in jeans (sorry, couldn’t resist). While I used to assume I disliked it and would stick to pure cotton, I have gradually found that it is much more comfortable to have a small amount of stretch. Does it necessarily indicate ...
“Minutiae,” I mumbled. “What did you say?” she giggled. “Minutiae, little stuff, the details of life.” “Mi-nooshee-sha, I love that word! What does it mean?” “Small, insignificant things that don’t seem to matter, then do.” “Oh, my God! I’m trying this on.” ...
They created a boundary between what you, the Web developer can reach and what’s considered implementation details, thus inaccessible to you. The browser however, can traipse across this boundary at will. With this boundary in place, they were able to build all HTML elements using the same ...
Still, it was an RPG I'd wanted to play for a long time (I don't even remember how far I got with it back in the day, but I can see why my younger, less patient self gave up with it) and in that respect I'm glad I did. What, though, does Suikoden II bring to the tabl...
Alice:'Walking simulator' is a bit of a wonky term, so vague, and yet I know exactly what sort of games I mean when I say it. A 'wandering simulator' iswhat Ricky Haggett called Proteusand maybe that's more appropriate but here we are with walking simulator, and lord it was enough...
I could read better than Lisa K., and Lisa K. could look more daintily pious than I could, and that was that. With the naive condescension particular to precocious children, I even began to feel sorry for Lisa K.I mean, I’d figured this whole thing out and was more or less cool ...
(does this mean anything to you?) My spirit guide: Spirit says, you carry a heavy load. Be at peace because she is watching out for you and your children – she asks that you watch over her daughter, and thanks you for all you did for her. Spirit has retreated. When I saw Joel...