COMMENTARY: What does Yule mean, anyway?Josh Meiners
The word comes from the Greek word, “evangelion,” which means good news or gospel. Historians believe that William Tyndale, a leader in theProtestantReformation, was the first to record theEnglish word “evangelical.”In 1531, Tyndale wrote in a commentary on the book of John:...
Explore the history of the word, "gospel," how modern Western Christians often use the word different than the biblical authors. What is the gospel? The answer is far more exciting and complex than we've been led to believe. What Does the Word "Gospel" Mean?
This might mean reading what a commentary has to say about the book the verse comes from. There are even videos by the Bible Project that are 2-3 minutes long that can provide a quick glimpse into what was going on behind the scenes of the verse we are studying. Do Take from the Wo...
What does ANAGRAM mean? ANAGRAM meaning, definition & explanation 15 related questions found What is anagram in Python? An Anagram is a condition where one string or number is rearranged in that manner; each character of the rearranged string or number must be a part of another string or numb...
'Lit' doesn't mean what it used to. Your grandfather may have used it coming back from the bar, but maybe because of how drunk he was, not how exciting it was. Read on for the new usage of 'lit.'
What does Himmel mean in The Book Thief? The Book Thief: The Book Thiefis a novel by Markus Zusack, author ofI Am the MessengerandBridge of Clay. The book is narrated by Death, who observes the story's events while providing commentary on the characters' actions. He is fascinated by Li...
I see far too many businesses trying to push their content in from the outside, when it’s far easier and more effective to become active in the community and push out from the inside. Not only does this allow you to grow trust and good will with the community that you wa...
What Does “Meaning” Mean? A Commentary on Baumeisterand von HippelRobert J. SternbergBaumeister and von Hippel have written a bril-liant, wide-ranging, and insightful article onmeaning and evolution. My commentary on thearticle will be largely a critical analysis, but onlybecause the role of ...
A quota for people refers to the limit, either minimum or maximum, on the number of people who are allowed to be included or excluded from something. What Does Quota Mean in Economics? Quotas in economics refer to the time-bound restrictions governments impose on trade. This is generally don...