Define commentaries. commentaries synonyms, commentaries pronunciation, commentaries translation, English dictionary definition of commentaries. n. pl. com·men·tar·ies 1. a. Explanation or interpretation in the form of a series of comments or observat
Define comments. comments synonyms, comments pronunciation, comments translation, English dictionary definition of comments. remarks; observations, annotations, criticisms: There were harsh comments on the performance. Not to be confused with: commence
The Ontology Problem: A definition with commentarySpivack, Nova
commentary inNewspapers, printing, publishing topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English com‧men‧ta‧ry/ˈkɒməntəri$ˈkɑːmənteri/●●○AWLnoun(pluralcommentaries)[countable, uncountable]1aspokendescriptionof anevent, given while the event is happening, especially on...
The meaning of THE HAVES is people who have a lot of money and possessions : wealthy people —usually used in the phrase the haves and the have-nots. How to use the haves in a sentence.
development. So my answer to the definition of culture will be very practical and work-oriented. As I see it, culture is a skill of communities, which has the potential to develop into enterprises. Those enterprises have the potential to generate resources, which communities can share for ...
Genre is a way of categorizing readers' tastes. That's a good basic definition of genre. But does genre really matter? Why Literary Genres Matter Literary genres matter. They matter to readers but they also matter to writers. Here's why: ...
Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of truth to self or authenticity. Text B 2. Meno Meno is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. It appears to attempt to determine the definition of virtue or arete, meaning virtue in general, rather than particular ...
Institute of Medicine report on prevention of mental disorders. Summary and commentary. A comprehensive report mandated by the U.S. Congress on the state of the science of prevention recommends a stricter definition of the term prevention; sum... R F,Mu?oz,P J,... - 《American Psychologist...
Define Commenter. Commenter synonyms, Commenter pronunciation, Commenter translation, English dictionary definition of Commenter. n. 1. One who makes or writes comments; a commentator; an annotator. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913