How many commandments are there in the Torah? What are the Pentateuch books of the Old Testament? What is the Mishnah? What holiday is not mentioned in the Torah? Does the Torah include the Book of Deuteronomy? What is the Talmud?
What does the Torah encompass? What is Simchat Torah? Who is the god of Druze? What is etrog in Judaism? Who lived in Jerusalem when the Book of Joshua was written? How many Druze are in the world? What is in a Jewish synagogue?
In an important study “Male Homosexual Intercourse Is Prohibited – In One Part of the Torah,” (TheTorah, 2017), David Frankel shows that whereas the Priestly Torah almost certainly means to outlaw homosexual intercourse (Lev 18:22 and 20:13), the other Torah law collections – namely Exo...
Not even Jesus nor any Prophet from the people of Israel was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran. Only Moses was given the people of israel's Law, which is called The Book of Moses in the Glorious Quran. See article below for ample details. While the Torah does include the ...
No prophet says anything of the kind. History does not back it up. Muslims today use a lunar calendar but keep a weekly day as honored. The argument that a continuous weekly cycle is Biblically inconsistent is purely speculative. And that is the polite way to say it.The fourth point, ...
But what does the scripture say? “Drive out the slave and her child; for the child of the slave will not share the inheritance with the child of the free woman” (Gen. 21:10, adapted). So then, friends, we are children, not of the slave but of the free woman. For freedom ...
What does the Torah say about social justice?BARRY LEFF
married, whether it’s plastered on advertisements, portrayed in movies, or witnessed in our own families and social circles. Since the institution of marriage has existed for centuries, and it’s prevalent in most cultures, tying the knot has truly become customary. But what does marriagereally...
What are the three major sections of the Sermon on the Mount? the three main sections include the opening statement of the beatitudes and saying things about salt and light, the interpretation of the Torah based on the repetition in the text of law and the prophets; and the final moral exh...
any deep, spiritual significance regarding the number 12 in the Bible, it does seem to represent God’s kingdom, perfect government and divine authority. Since the number 12 is a symbolic representation of completeness, some followers of Bible prophecy associate the number with the return of ...