What Makes A Mezuzah Kosher? A Kosher scroll is handwritten by a specially trained scribe, known as a Sofer, on parchment paper prepared from the skin of a kosher animal. The words are very carefully written using special black ink and a quill pen. There may be no mistakes and no letters...
Nehemiah 3:3, a Persian Period source, in describing the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem, explicitly mentions “the fish gate” (שַׁעַר הַדָּגִים; Neh 3:3), which likely functioned as a fish market. Moreover, Nehemiah explicitly makes ...
When seeking aZohardefinition, we should understand thatThe Zoharis a collection of commentaries on the Torah, intended to guide people who have already achieved high spiritual degrees to the root (origin) of their souls. The Zoharcontains all the spiritual states that people experience as their ...
The explanation of this is that these four letters in Hebrew make up the word “being”, meaning to be, and also the words : was, is, will be-HAYA, HOVE, YEEHIYE. These ancient amulets were used for protection. The belief in forces that can bring negative influence into your life ...
The main custom of the holiday of Hanukkah is to light a chanukkiah (a candelabrum with nine branches) for eight days, adding one candle each night, until all are lit on the eighth day of the holiday. Written in the script of the Torah are intricate instructions on the lighting of a ...
24 They left and went up to the hill country, coming to the Eshcol Valley,[bb] which they scouted out. 25 Then they took[bc] some of the produce of the land and carried it back down to us. They also brought a report to us, saying, “The land that the ...
For example, what makes someone a Christian? The Bible doesn’t explicitly say what are the essential beliefs of Christianity and Protestants don’t agree on what those essential doctrines are. CS Lewis wrote in his book, mere Christianity, when two Christians of different denominations start argu...
According to theFinancial Timesglossary of terms, usury is: “When someone lends people money and makes them pay an unfairly high rate of interest.” Define Usury – a legal or moral issue Usury may be a moral or legal term: Moral:it is used to condemn individuals who take advantage of ...
12 But how can I alone bear up under the burden of your hardship and strife? 13 Select wise and practical[an] men, those known among your tribes, whom I may appoint as your leaders.” 14 You replied to me that what I had said to you was good. 15 So I chose[ao] as your tr...
But then… there are things that the Lord has asked me to do that bring me to my knees and fill me with fear. In other words, it makes me GULP! And there has been a time or two, the direction God wanted me to take made me take a BIG GULP! (And I’m not talking about sippi...