但他们会因为方便而用粤语聊起来,这时候我觉得很难加入。”在山西长大的Z记得刚刚来广州时,住在天河洗村的城中村,“感觉不到被这个城市接纳……后来买了房子,生了孩子,会有一种自己的生活的感觉,这个时候融不融入反而不太觉得是很重要的问题了”。关于外来者的“本地化”,这段文字意在说明( )。
Professor: Good. And that means, over the short term…uh… and by short term I mean 50 million years, that’s a blink of the eye in geological time.Um…over the short term, we can predict that the Americas will continue to move westward, farther away from Europe, while Africa and Au...
For example, in geology, scientists use the term BP, which stands for before present. BP is based on the carbon-14 dating method and refers to the number of years before the present that an object or event occurred. In astronomy, scientists use the terms CE and BCE, which stand for ...
(category theory) In an adjunction, a natural transformation from the identity functor of the domain of the left adjoint functor to the composition of the right adjoint functor with the left adjoint functor. Chapter A chapter house. Unit (geology) A volume of rock or ice of identifiable origin...
What does "unit" mean in education? It's a module or segment of a course or study. 9 How is a "unit" different from a "batch"? A unit is a singular item, while a batch is a group of similar items processed together. 9 What is a "case study"? A detailed analysis of a partic...
The idea of ‘nature’ is at the very core of science, considered as its flagship and deepest link with human societies. However, while nature preservation has become a major social concern, the idea of nature remains elusive. We examine here the origins
What does the suffix -ness mean? What does the root word cide mean? What part of the word 'geology' is the word root? What suffix means 'pertaining to'? What does the suffix -ence mean? Explain the difference between a stem, a root, and a base in linguistics in a very easy way ...
What is euhedral in geology? euhedral (idiomorphic) Amorphological term referring to grains in igneous rocks which have a regular crystallographic shape. Euhedral forms are developed when a crystal grows freely in a melt and is uninhibited by the presence of any surrounding crystals. ...
Widespread impact, potentially with long-term effects 12 Response Requires individual or local response Demands coordinated, often governmental, response 13 Compare with Definitions Accident An unexpected event causing injury or damage. The accident on the highway involved three vehicles. 2 Disaster A st...
What Does Upstream Mean in the Oil and Gas Industry? Upstream refers to the initial phases of oil and gas production, involving exploration, drilling, and extraction of crude oil and natural gas. What Is the Difference Between Upstream and Downstream?