The American Geological Institute's Dictionary of Geological Terms, Third Edition, edited by Robert L. Bates and Julia A. Jackson. Definitions for over 5000 geological terms, including word origin and pronunciation guide for many of those terms. Includes a geologic time scale and development of ...
作者:Bates, Robert L. (EDT)/ Jackson, Julia A. (EDT)/ Bates, Robert L./ American Geological Institute (CO 出品人: 页数:576 译者: 出版时间:1984-4 价格:150.00元 装帧:Pap isbn号码:9780385181013 丛书系列: 图书标签: Dictionary of Geological Terms 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
Dictionary of Geological Terms - Only $19.99 All scientific disciplines have an essential vocabulary that students and professionals must understand to learn and communicate effectively. A geology dictionary that is used regularly is one of the most important tools for developing professional competence. ...
Define geological. geological synonyms, geological pronunciation, geological translation, English dictionary definition of geological. n. pl. ge·ol·o·gies 1. The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth. 2. The structure of
- We have a integrated a text to speech feature to let you hear the Geology Terms that you are looking for. - Share any word and its meaning easily with your friends on other social media apps with the share word button in the bottom right side of the screen. - We will automatically...
Define Geognostic. Geognostic synonyms, Geognostic pronunciation, Geognostic translation, English dictionary definition of Geognostic. a. 1. Of or pertaining to geognosy, or to a knowledge of the structure of the earth; geological. Webster's Revised Unab
U.S. Geological Survey. survey. 2 abbreviation for surveying. Discover More Other Words From sur·vey a·bleadjective pre·sur veynoun pre sur·vey verb (used with object) self -sur veynoun self -sur·veyed adjective un sur·vey a·bleadjective ...
a unit of geological time, shorter than an epoch, during which the rocks comprising a stage were formed. any of the successive periods in human history divided, according to Hesiod, into the golden, silver, bronze, heroic, and iron ages. ...
- Geological History of Vertebrate Animals (Including Man) - Mineralogy - Economic Geology Stop being scared, download "Geology"! What’s New Version History 27 Aug 2018 Version 1.0.3 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. ...
Dictionary of Geological Terms - Only $19.99 All scientific disciplines have an essential vocabulary that students and professionals must understand to learn and communicate effectively. A geology dictionary that is used regularly is one of the most important tools for developing professional competence. ...