What does the term tetrapod mean?Question:What does the term tetrapod mean?Root Words:Breaking a word into root words can help to determine their meaning. Another great way to determine the meaning of words is to look for context clues.Answer...
What does arbuscular mycorrhiza mean?Question:What does arbuscular mycorrhiza mean?Plant Roots:The root of a plant provides the rest of the plant with minerals and water. Plant roots also anchor the plant to keep it in place so that it can absorb sunlight. In plants like potatoes, edible car...
Does “None” Take A Singular Or Plural Verb? Affixes Explained: Prefixes, Suffixes, And Combining Forms June 4, 2019 In English, we love to make new words by adding all sorts of bits to the front and back of existing terms. These are called affixes, and they are added to the ba...
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What are the reasons for having lower than normal level or higher than normal level of hematocrit? If your elderly patient's blood calcium level is normal, does that mean the patient does not have osteoporosis? Explain. Using forward slash, divide the followi...
Prefixes are small words that are found at the beginning of a root word. Prefixes are a small part/group of letters is added on the beginning of a root word and can aid in understanding the definition behind a word. Prefixes can change the meaning of a root ...