generally there are three basic parts to english medical terms: word root 词根 (ci gen 14、) this is the central meaning of the term and is usually in the middle of the medical term. prefix前缀 (qian zhui)seen at the the beginning of the term it helps to identify the central meaning....
①The lesion invades the root of the inferior vena cava or hepatic vein. ②Liver cancer with intrahepatic metastasis, portal vein tumor thrombus, portal lymph node metastasis, or unclear tumor boundary. ③Liver lesions affect the exposure and separation of the first and second hepatic portals. ④...
To place this in perspective, we would never describe the natural death of an elderly individual as a ‘cardiac incident’, or a fatal car crash as a ‘motor vehicle incident’. By allowing this compartmentalization, there is less public urgency to investigate the root causes and implement prev...
15.The foundation of a word is known as the ___root___.16.A __chronic___ disease has a slow onset and runs a sometimes years long course.17.A vowel linking a suffix and a root, or linking two roots in a term is called __combining vowel___.18.The scientific suffix for “infla...
schizophreniaandmononucleosisare invented andConn syndromeandHirschsprung’s diseaseare surnames. Such diagnoses cannot be constructed from morphemes that refer to the etiology, disorder or pathogenetic mechanisms. For this reason, proper names do not count as diagnoses in the present sense of the word....
When connecting a word root and a suffix, a combining vowel is usually not used if the suffix begins with a vowel - hepat/ic RULES Analyzing and Defining Medical terms are usually read “backwards” or suffix first Examples: HYPO- GASTR -IC Pertaining to below the stomach NEURO -LOGY ...
Word root: 词根是单词的基本。 一个医学词汇至少会有一个词根。 词根通常是人体某一部分的含义。 举几个例子: ARTHR-: joint 关节 CRADI-: heart 心脏 DERMAT-:SKIN 皮肤 HEMAT-(or HEMO-):BLOOD 血液 SUFFIX后缀 作为分类的依据。 所有的医学词汇都会有一个后缀。
Trivial name for limbless members of suborder Ophidia, of medical interest, primarily because snakes have poisonous venom containing hemotoxins and/or neurotoxins; venomous North American snakes belong to either the viper family Crotilidae–rattlesnake, copperhead, water moccasin, or to Elapidae, coral...
1.a membrane between the outer root sheath and inner fibrous layer of a hair follicle. 2.basement membrane. 3.a homogeneous eosinophilic membrane lining alveolar ducts and alveoli, frequently found at autopsy of infants that were preterm. See alsohyaline membrane disease. ...
There is a new review paper in the peer reviewed and fully indexed Journal of Immunotoxicology, 2011; 8(1): 68–79, that looks at much of the evidence for various environmental causes of autism, including vaccines and vaccine ingredients. It is pretty...