While I would never presume to suggest Christian clergy re-read the Holy Bible with an eye to early scripture and suicide, I would suggest they read, What Does the Bible Say about Suicide? by my now deceased friend and colleague, Reverend James T Clemons. Ignorance of your own scriptures ...
What does the Bible say about saying the truth? Christ Jesus said,"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"(John 8:32). That's a wonderful promise that can be taken seriously, especially when you feel the need for some sort of healing - whether the difficulty is ...
All Christians collectively form the body of Christ. The body is formed of many different parts (Romans 12:4-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-27). All are important. It does not matter what part of the body you are: You have a purpose. As these Bible verses say: On the contrary, ...
the components that are to be completely assembled within your mind in the long run. The following topics are discussed. The Relativistic and Holistic Mechanics of reality, Mind Control, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Delusions, Hallucinations, Religion, Heaven - Hell, Miracles, Bible Codes, and the ...
“Would you then be incapable of fairness to the prosecution because you are aware of my client’s involvement at First Baptist, teaching Bible class, taking the scout troop to Mexico, that sort of thing?” She actually said, “Well, sir, that’s not the only reason I couldn’t be ...
(I have a rather more ‘adverse’ outcome in mind, but relating that would breach patient confidentiality.) December 2, 2023 at 1:33 am the fear-and-trembling of not knowing what the hell you’re supposed to be doing, but knowing that it’s all up to you, like it or not, and you...
Swedenborg surmised that the Bible describes a human’s transformation from a materialistic to a spiritual being, which he calls rebirth or regeneration-similar to Gnostic Apotheosis or alchemical lead-to-gold exotericism. The New Age / Christianity crossover scene went nuts with this. Harshing ...
Director, Moody Bible Institute __ You are a genius! Everything went exactly according to the plan you laid out. Jerry is arelentlessencourager. He loves people, and he knows how to bring out the best in a person. His wise refrain, “You are doing great! But you...
I am private and discreet. You have topay taxes on any gain, of course, but if you want some privacy or confidentiality I can provide that. I am also more practical than gold. I am more affordable to buy for investment purposes. ...
confidentiality of it. And I think that then gave me a level of confidence that I hadn't had yet in my career, in that security world. And so Adam Shostack's book became a little bit like a Bible for me. And then I actually met him at a conference. Um, it was called the open...