The seriousness of hate is, in part, because those infected with malicious hearts do not acknowledge it (2:11); it leads to spiritual ruin. For this reason, we must examine our lives in light of the Scriptures, not on the basis of our feelings or pretensions. A Christian must be ...
20 Above all else, however, remember that none of us can explain by ourselves a prophecy in the Scriptures. 21 For no prophetic message ever came just from the human will, but people were under the control of the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God. Read full cha...
“This is the way, walk in it…”Isaiah 30:21 More scriptures on guidance are listedin this article. Whatever your situation, let your concerns about it direct your attention upward, to your heavenly Father, who cares for you so deeply. ...
During this era of social media and the increase of screen time during this pandemic, it’s easy to find ourselves comparing our lives to others. This is dangerous because we can start determining our value–our worth–based on our comparison to others. Read More Top 9 Scriptures to Help...