Progesterone drops with perimenopause because progesterone is hard to make. Unlike estrogen (which you make on the way to ovulation), progesterone can only be madeafterovulation. And ovulation is hard to do, especially as you move into your forties and start to have shorter luteal phases andmore...
There are a range of estrogen dominance symptoms to look out for if you suspect you have too much estrogen, although it is different for every woman. Some women will experience a range of symptoms, and others may experience just one or two. Excess estrogen can cause symptoms such as: Irreg...
Xenoestrogensare “foreign” estrogens, substances that are close enough in molecular structure to estrogen that they can bind to estrogen receptor sites with potentially hazardous outcomes. –Mosby’s Guide to Women’s Health, 2007 And unfortunately, we live in a world filled with chemicals like ...
Estrogen is the general name for a group of hormone compounds. It is the main sex hormone in women and is essential to the menstrual cycle. Although both men and women have this hormone, it is found in higher amounts in women, especially those capable of reproducing. Secondary sex ...
@jellies- Has your mom tried any natural estrogen? There are quite a few plants that contain phytoestrogen. It acts like weak estrogen in the body. The phytoestrogen substances actually bond to estrogen receptors in the body. This is how they react the same, only in a weaker form. ...
Following pregnancy and the return of thenormal estrogen flow, the vagina will return to its approximate pre-pregnancy state in around six to eight weeks. After birth, it is normal for a person’s vagina to appear wider than it did pre-birth. It might also look and feel bruised or swolle...
Does not want to initiate sexual intercourse with her partner Does not experience pleasure during sexual intercourse 2. Lack of arousal Women may have difficulty becoming or being physically aroused, even if they are interested in sex. Some women who have this porblem don't produce enough vaginal...
Otherwise, I am a healthy, normal weight, 60 year old woman. I do look 15+ years younger than I should -- maybe the estrogen has something to do with that. Most Popular WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. ...
@chrisinbama: Before we get into the side effects, it is important to note that estrogen cream does not replace hormone pills that many women may take for post-menopausal depression or nervousness. Estrogen cream will not treat those conditions. ...
Just before ovulation occurs, the hormone estrogen leads to an increase in cervical mucus and changes it into a thin, slippery, stretchy, viscous-like substance. When cervical mucus is in the wet orraw egg white consistencystage, ovulation is approaching. ...