某中学教师李某于寒暑假期期间组织所带班级学生进行有偿补课,在学生管理教育过程中简单粗暴,言语失当。李某的行为违反了《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》中()的规定。 ①关心爱护学生 ②传播优秀文化 ③规范从教行为 ④秉持公平诚
因为树洞较高可以避开不速之客的扰,而且树洞洞口狭窄,雨水打不进来,但洞中却别有一番洞天,宽敞得很。因此,即使后来有了屋檐和旧墙,它仍旧对树洞[u][/u],如果找不到合适的树洞,麻雀就只好[u][/u]地一点一点地搭建自己的窝巢。 依次填入横线处最恰当的一项是()。
The Verilog file code is below, it is Migen generated. What does 'Restricted Fmax' really mean and how does it compare to Fmax? A more general question, above is a result from running the synthesis as this module (below) as top level module, how applicable ...
This is the Verilog code, and I have this error (o is not a valid l-value). Could someone help me? module ts ; reg[3:0] in1,in2; wire[3:0] o; integer i,j; Sommatore4Bit s(.in1(in1), .in2(in2), .out(o)); initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(1); ...
Moreover, “visually lossless quality” can also mean different quality levels. During its development, JPEG XS has been tested against the strictest quality assessment procedures (ISO/IEC 29170-2, “Eval-uation procedure for visually lossless coding”), seeking the threshold guaranteeing an “ind...
reg [31:0] out1; always @(S_in,in1) begin out1 = in1 \+ `new_constant; end endmodule During synthesis, I got this error: [Synth 8-502] non-constant real-value expression is not supported What does this mean? Is it that the \+ operation cannot support floating point numbers whic...
This does, however, increase the latency in the synchronous logic's observation of input changes. Neither of these approaches can guarantee that metastability cannot pass through the synchronizer; they simply reduce the probability to practical levels. In quantitative terms, if the Mean Time ...
The Verilog file code is below, it is Migen generated. What does 'Restricted Fmax' really mean and how does it compare to Fmax? A more general question, above is a result from running the synthesis as this module (below) as top level module, how applicable ...
若有以下程序 #include void sp(int *a) { int b = 2; *a = *a * 2; printf("%d, ", *a); a = &b; *a = *a * 2; printf("%d, ", *a); } int main() { int k = 3; sp(&k); printf("%d", k); return 0; } 则程序的输出结果是(...