在Verilog中,if语句可以用来判断某个条件是否成立,根据条件的真假来执行不同的代码块。当条件为真时,执行if语句中的代码块;当条件为假时,可以选择执行else语句中的代码块或者不执行任何代码块。在Verilog中,if语句的语法如下: ```verilog if (condition) begin // Code to be executed if condition is true end...
I'm an FPGA noob trying to learn Verilog. How can I "assign" a value to a reg in an always block, either as an initial value, or as a constant. I'm trying to do something like this in the code below. I get an error because the 8 bit constant doesn't count as input. I als...
两者的区别是:即存器型数据保持最后一次的赋值,而线型数据需要持续的驱动 输入端口可以由net/reg驱动,但输入端口只能是net;输出端口可以使net/reg类型,输出端口只能驱动net;若输出端口在过程块中赋值则为reg型,若在过程块外赋值则为net型用关键词inout声明一个双向端口, inout端口不能声明为寄存器类型,只能是net类型。
i can't find the error in the syntaxis in that part of the code Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at Hex_7seg.v(3) near text: "reg"; expecting a direction. Code: module Hex_7seg( input clk, reg sig, reg [6:0] seg_data, output [6:0] seg ); reg [25:0] contador...
您可以使用括号选择位。for (i = 7; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin if(W[i]) Y = i[2:0]; end但是,如果 i被声明为整数,则甚至不需要。然而,需要很多位自动匹配 Y,你只需要LSB。你
regwireverilog类型赋值端口 reg相当于存储单元,wire相当于物理连线Verilog中变量的物理数据分为线型和寄存器型。这两种类型的变量在定义时要设置位宽,缺省为1位。变量的每一位可以是0,1,X,Z。其中x代表一个未被预置初始状态的变量或者是...
())}reg:=io.inwhen((reg===0.U)&&(io.in===1.U)){io.pos:=1.Uio.neg:=0.U}.elsewhen((reg===1.U)&&(io.in===0.U)){io.pos:=0.Uio.neg:=1.U}.otherwise{io.pos:=0.Uio.neg:=0.U}}// Generate the Verilog codeobjectEdgeDetectMainextendsApp{println("Generating the Edge...
I have some troubles with unsigned reg subtraction in Verilog. The following Verilog code is designed for a 4-bit ALU : module p2(in_1,in_2,s,out); input [3:0]in_1,in_2; input [1:0]s; output [4:0]out; reg [4:0]out; parameter ADD=2'b00; parameter SUBTRACT=2'b01; param...
(SOC) (Verilog) (Quartus II) (SignalTap II)中,我透過synthesis attribute強制指定Quartus II對某個reg與wire不加以優化,以方便SignalTap II觀察,雖然可行,但必須改code是其缺點,若能在Quartus II透過設定的方式,就能在SignalTap II觀察到reg與wire,是比較方便的方式。
Hello, I am having some confusion in understanding the purpose and usage of some SV and verilog data types. In verilog, what is the difference between wire and reg ? When driving a port or connection blocks/modules which one should I choose ? Does wire also has 4 states lik...