What doesconstmean in C? constis a type qualifier in C that makes a variable unassignable, except during initialization.2016-12-02 More by Jim What does the dot do in JavaScript? foo.bar,foo.bar(), orfoo.bar = baz- what do they mean? A deep dive into prototypical inheritance and ge...
Your plan could be to build around running backs, and then the fantasy gods can punch you in the mouth with injuries, forcing you to start wide receivers. You could go into your draft trying to build a WR-heavy roster, but so does everyone else. That might force you to pivot to going...
The 2016 standards further create a new set of NCAA classifications for athletes: a full qualifier, "academic redshirt" category for a young person who can receive NCAA scholarship aid to attend class but is forbidden to play in the first year and a new "nonqualifier" classification for a ...
What does the small q mean in Olympics? Q is forautomatic qualification, for jumps and throws it's gained by going over a minimum distance, for races it's gained by placing top X in a qualifier heat. q is for the remaining qualifiers that are "the best of the rest" filling out the...
It is an estimate of the mean of the population Space Free time; leisure, opportunity. Universe Everything stated or assumed in a given discussion Space A specific (specified) period of time. Space An undefined period of time (without qualifier, especially a short period); a while. Space (...
I used that “probably” qualifier because Forbes disagrees and ranks her as the 66th most powerful woman. But that list is pretty suspect as they rank Angela Merkel in the top spot and I’ve never fucking heard of her. Can you blame me? Merkel sends out Facebook updates to her paltry...
The qualifier "in the Octagon" is important, as it's relatively easy to chalk up a streak in smaller shows against local air-conditioning repairmen. Silva has fought a murderers' row in the UFC and finished all but Patrick Cote -- unless you argue he used Combat Ki to bum up Cote's...
The qualifier "in the Octagon" is important, as it's relatively easy to chalk up a streak in smaller shows against local air-conditioning repairmen. Silva has fought a murderers' row in the UFC and finished all but Patrick Cote -- unless you argue he used Combat Ki to bum up Cote's...
Like Loomis, this is a question that has always puzzled me in American politics. What do we mean when we talk about middle class?” I have seen numerous articles about the decline of middle class American life. Thisarticlefrom the Washington Post is typical of the genre. The articles more...