Oxymorons are often constructed using an adjective-noun combination (e.g.,jumbo shrimp,open secret). However, they can be constructed using anyplay on wordsor figures of speech (e.g.,act naturally). What does oxymoron mean? The word oxymoron comes from the Greekroot words“oxys-” (which...
This paper addresses English rhetorical devices as comprehension-related stumbling blocks for Chinese students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Rhetorical devices discussed include metaphor, metonymy, euphemism, jargon, punning, alliteration, irony, sarcasm, friendly teasing, paradox/oxymoron, ...
What does "NVM" mean? When someone texts using the abbreviation "NVM," what are they trying to communicate? Learn the definition of this internet slang acronym.
Take note of something that sticks out to you, like an intriguing oxymoron or formatting that’s not quite the norm. It could be a device the author used to communicate their work’s theme. Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves is well known for its unique formatting, and this ...
What does two question marks mean? What is the plural of oxymoron? What is an antonym of optimism? What is contrast in the English language? What is a subject complement? What is a prefix? What does opposed mean? What does the idiom "put two and two together" mean?
Synonyms are words that mean the same thing. The words ''big'' and ''large'' are synonyms because they more or less have the same meaning. A word can... Learn more about this topic: Synonyms & Antonyms | Differences, Types & Examples ...
The great thing about the English language is how it’s so malleable. In addition to playing around with words and sounds, you can combine seemingly disparate words together to create an oxymoron. No, that’s not a dumb person who somehow got into Occidental College (although that would make...
You are probably already aware of the levels of language use; sometimes we are more casual in word choice, and sometimes more formal. Transitional expressions are subject to this distinction, too. Answer and Explanation: 'On the other hand' is a rather casual expression that is used to introd...
What does cliché mean? A cliché is an idea or turn of phrase that is considered dull and ineffective because of widespread overuse. Clichés can be verbal or conceptual. A verbal cliché is a banal word or figure of speech. Verbal cliché examples awesome crystal clear Every cloud has a ...
How does a simile differ from an analogy? What is the opposite of figurative language? What is an analogy in English? Is a simile an analogy? What is a synonym for figurative language? What is an antonym of juxtaposition? What does analogous mean?