Oxymoron: Learn all about what an oxymoron is, its meaning, definition and how it should be used in sentences. Check out the examples given in the article for a much better understanding of the same.
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition Oxymoron Sentence Examples It may sound like a bit of an oxymoron, but there are a lot of obscure video games that were remarkably popular during their day. A pregnant man seems to be an oxymoron, doesn't it? The term...
Example: This phrase appears in various literary and colloquial contexts to highlight contradictions or to provide a humorous effect. Some Other Common Examples of Oxymoron for Everyday Use Here's the table with the examples of oxymorons: Oxymoron Meaning Bittersweet Mixed emotions, both happy and...
The origin of the word 'oxymoron' can be traced back to two Greek words 'oxy' which means 'sharp' and 'moros' meaning 'dull'. Widely used in English language, oxymorons are completely understood by the readers though they are combinations of the contradictory. You can even find a long ...
The oxymoron literary definition is a figure of speech in which two contradictory words are combined to create one phrase. The term "oxymoron" comes from the combining of two ancient Greek words, one meaning "sharp," the other "foolish" or "dull." The combination of the two contrasting ...
whereas an oxymoron does not necessarily lead to any insights. Paradoxes usually defy intuition in that they combine seemingly contradictory concepts to hint at a deeper truth. Oxymora, on the other hand, are often easy to grasp the meaning of even while the terms involved are usually used to...
The two words—which tend to be next to each other in the sentence—clash in a way that forces the reader to pause and reconsider the meaning, often discovering a nuanced and deeper meaning. Oxymoron examples Thedeafening silencewas unbearable. ...
Oxymoron examples from literature What is the difference betweenoxymoronandparadox? Oxymoron FAQs What is an oxymoron? An oxymoron is aliterary devicethat juxtaposes contradictory terms. Oxymorons are often used poetically as a way of bringing out a fresh meaning in a word or phrase. Like a parad...
Whether in writing or speech, using words with oxymoronic meaning can lend a sense of humor, irony, or sarcasm. Oxymorons aren’t unique to the English language, either. In fact, they’re quite common in everyday speech across multiple languages, with new ones surfacing all the time —...
Examples of Oxymoron in Everyday Speech Virtual reality:If you are doing something that is in reality, it can’t be virtual Several oxymorons have become part of everyday speech. Even though these pairs of words have opposite meanings, they create an entirely new meaning when paired. ...