What is a medical suffix? Learn the meaning of -itis, a common suffix for disease. Explore other suffixes that appear in medical terms, like -pathy and -osis. Related to this Question What does the suffix -ment mean? What is the meaning of the suffix -able?
他不小心割到手指。 He cut his finger by accident. wǒ men děi bǎ dà tián li de gāo cǎo gē diào 我们得把大田里的高草割掉。 We shall have to mow down the tall grass in the big field. zhuāng jia quán gē le 庄稼全割了。 The crops have all been reaped. 2 v.separate; ...
What does Proterozoic mean? What is CJMM? What are phenolic phytochemicals? What are baryons? What is erythrocytic schizogony? What is myopathy rhabdomyolysis? What is Hygiea? Define taphonomy What is cheilosis? What is the Caledonian orogeny?
Question: What is an ice cap? Ice: "Ice" refers to the solid state of water when it is frozen below zero degrees Celsius, or 32 degree Fahrenheit. The Earth's surface contains about 30 million square kilometers of ice masses, especially in polar and mountainous regions. ...
What does the suffix Emia mean? emia: Suffix meaningblood or referring to the presence of a substance in the blood. As for example, anemia (lack of blood) and hypervolemia (too high a volume of blood). The ending -emia is one of the building blocks derived from Greek (in this case...
a澳大意亚人对体育运动的热爱并不意味着他们从事很多的体育活动 The Australian general idea Asia person did not mean to the sports deep love they are engaged in the very many sports[translate] a我希望他在学校买一本字典 I hoped his how school does buy a dictionary[translate] ...
This doesn’t mean there’s no conceivable harm (for instance, Kerrigan found evidence of harm to the knees), but it does tend to downgrade concern on the topic. ⤻Venkataraman VV, Kraft TS, Dominy NJ. Tree climbing and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of...
As the use of vaccines, silicone implants, etc., is widespread, what does this mean in terms of public health? First of all, vaccines areverywidespread, and I would like to clarify that I am definitely not against vaccines! Vaccines are the best medical development that humankind has had ...
What does the Catechism mean when it says we will become gods (CCC 460)? Wouldn't that mean the Church is teaching polytheism? Answer: Let’s take a look at the relevant passage in the Catechism: The Word became flesh to make us “partakers of the divine nature”: “For this is ...
urethrostenosis (urethr/o/sten/osis) denotesa condition of narrowing of the urethra. What does ureter mean in medical terms? Listen to pronunciation. (YER-eh-ter)The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. What is the root for ureter?