So, exactly what is omakase sushi and what does omakase mean? The Japanese phrase means “I’ll leave it up to you” and comes from the Japanese word for entrust. Basically, you’re leaving what you’re eating during the meal up to the chef. When you sit to have an omakase meal, y...
Omakase is the ultimate expression of trust to a sushi chef. It is also a chance for one who enjoys sushi to expand horizons and try new items that have been overlooked. This may not be the meal of choice for one who is set in his ways or does not like trying new things. However,...
this only applied to fancier restaurants like Tempura Shinjuku that we visited. If you plan on doing omakase, lunch is always cheaper than dinner if
Our enormous chocolate lab is afraid of watermelons!!! Linda Smith Sunni is afraid of any bowls her water is in... ordeal to get her to drink water... afraid of some windows... flyswatters are a real fear for her... she does not like to go into the kitchen because of the sounds...