John-nihongo 2021年12月29日 英语(美国) 中文(繁体,香港) 日语 泰语 关于日语(日文)的问题 君がそんなに頼むんだったら、今回だけ特別に認めないものではないんだけどね。 What does it mean? Thank you. 是什么意思? c152d00f 2021年12月29日 ...
John-nihongo 2021年4月10日 英语(美国) 中文(繁体,香港) 日语 泰语 关于日语(日文) 的问题 電車の中で人目も構わず、お化粧するのはどうかと私は思う。What does it mean? Thank you. 是什么意思? 查看翻译 LainU 2021年4月10日 日语 I don't think it's good to do a makeup on a ...
Click here to check out more "Question of the Week". "Pera pera (ぺらぺら)" is a (words mimicking states). They directly express states or actions of people and things. There are a few meanings for "pera pera" depending on the context. (1) Talk fluently Kare wa nihongo ga pera pe...
what color do you lik what colorsizestyle d what colour what day does mrcome what day is it today what did i do to give what did she say she what did you say what did you think i what do i gotta be what do i wish you - what do they like to what do u getneve lln what do...
好きなマンガは何ですか?なんね?は、どこかの方言です。 Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like DosukoiBan 3月7日 英语(美国) 日语半母语者 博多弁ばい Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like Miki_no_miru_nihongo 3月7日 日语 @bandosukoi あ✨いいですね。博多!!ラーメンですね🍜 Sh...
Tokyo: Nihongo no Bonjinsha, 1986.Search in Google Scholar Numata, Yoshiko. "mo", "dake", "sae" nado -toritate- [Focusing on "mo", "dake", "sae" and so on]. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan, 1992.Search in Google Scholar Oyakawa, Takatsugu. "On the Japanese shika-nai construction." Gengo...
I spread the word about NihongoShark to everyone I know. I did your free trial and then I purchased your others. You were able to teach me what all the other systems couldn't and I thank you so much! After going through your programs I enrolled in college and am now working towards ...
2)can mean: with (i.e. わたし、Aさん*とは*スポーツをしたり、勉強したりします。)3) can mean: "surprise/shock about something" (i.e. あの人がそんなバカなことを言った*とは*・・・)I think here とはmeans 2) :She is different compared with her parents in that...Wow...
@nihongookthank you so much. I totally understand what you mean! Makes sense now