Say “whatever” in Japanese 73 Basic Japanese Phrases to Survive which Japan How to Ask and Give Directions in Japanese How to say “let’s” in Japanese Minna no Nihongo Minna No Nihongo Lesson 11 Vocabulary Minna No Nihongo Lesson 11 Vocabulary Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Romaji Meaning 子供が...
Nihongo is an offline Japanese dictionary, flashcard app, and reading assistant, designed to make the best use of the time you dedicate to studying Japanese. O…
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Japanese Dictionary Search Meaning of 勿体もったい in JapaneseReading and JLPT level 勿体, 物体 Kana Reading もったい Romaji mottai Word Senses Parts of speech noun (common) (futsuumeishi) Meaning superior airs; air of importance Parts of speech Meaning overemphasis Popular...
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The standard omoshiroi (面白い), meaning "interesting" or "fun", has been contracted to omoroi (おもろい) The standard soreja (それじゃ), meaning "Well then..." or "See you later", has been contracted to honja (ほんじゃ) 2. S sounds in standard Japanese tend to be replaced ...
The Kanji 道: the ‘Way’ in Judo, Kendo, and Aikido! August 23, 2024ByYukoSensei I want to share some insights about a significant Kanji 道 (どう dō or みち michi) in Japanese culture. While 道 commonly translates to “way” or “path,” its meaning extends far beyond the physical...
The other day, our ten year old asked me the meaning ofinvaluable. This happens all the time and I absolutely love that we have created an environment in which our kids are willing to ask questions rather than fear admitting ignorance. ...
24/7 Online Access to Our Advanced Japanese Dictionary Stuck on the correct meaning, spelling, or usage of a specific word, kanji or phrase? The Nihongo Master Japanese/English dictionary is here to save you a whole lot wasted time, hassles, and headaches! In a matter of seconds, you can...
Unlike hiragana and katakana, each kanji character has its own specific meaning. And also it usually has a few specific pronunciations in Japanese language. For example; 水means water, and pronounce “mizu” or “sui” depending on the letters of before or after this letter. And more than ...