Akemi can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 明美, "bright, beauty" 明海, "bright, sea" 朱美, "vermilion, beauty" What does Mizuki mean? Mizuki Although the Japanese word for “moon” is usually pronounced tsuki, its initial consonant blend gets softened in the name...
Along with folkloric creatures, yokai can refer to things like strange weather, mysterious illnesses, optical illusions, weird fruit, etc … And yokai is not limited to Japan. In his Yokai Encyclopedias, comic artist/folklorist/genius Mizuki Shigeru covers things like the Moai statues on Easter...
~~大力推荐~~~是SHINYA和老大的~~ What does the name "Dir en grey" mean? Kaoru: It means "greyish silver coin"...it's a kind of coinage that German ("dir 分享38赞 尘小喵心情吧 猫小kit 喵の二零二一年记事第一篇 Sunny/Friday/ 4度 今天介绍一个大佬。 资源也是网上找的。 世界上有...