Moving on, the story follows Kirihara Tamami, a new Japanese literature teacher graduate hailing from a family well-known for its teachers. She finds her first job at the famous Gekka Academy which was established in the Meiji era and run by the Houshou family. On her first day she is sum...
Equal numbers of individuals of Japanese origin with normal vision were recruited from Tokai University as a control population group. The average (±SD) age in the high myopic group was 39.7±12.07 years (range: 3–77 years) and the male/female ratio was 1.0:1.3. The average age of the...
Things start to get interesting when he meets Mizuki Sera, who not only has the same ability, but can “share” his lucid dreaming sessions. What’s more, Yoshiya can become a “host” for such experiences and ends up enjoying joint night adventure sessions with a group of friends inside ...