What Judaism Says About AbortionLuxenberg, AlanForward
Furthermore Pinchas: It is only by Christian grace and forgiveness that the greater portion of Jews survive, as Judaism does nothing but try to destroy Christianity and all non-Jews regardless of faith. A tip of my hat to Adonis Tate, above, as well. I have also come to the firm conclu...
Rather, it is a reminder that these are just part of a balanced Judaism, one that also includes joy, celebration, and hope; study prayer, and acts of lovingkindness. We are called to commemorate the tragedies of the past, but also to nurture a joyful practice of Judaism in the present ...
Why hell is destruction, not eternal torment. Absolute Biblical proof of conditional immortality. What was taught in the Old Testament? What did Judaism teach? In-depth discussion on Conditional Immortality, Annihilationism, Traditionalism, and more! He
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are major monotheistic religions. We all have one God, but we evidently don’t share the same rules about how God wants us to behave. So when we stick up for our religious beliefs, we’re like children on a playground taunting, “My God is righter than...
Then, there are those people that say Donald Trump is a racist.He may be a braggart and a bit coarse at times, but racist he’s not. There is absolutely no evidence he might be a racist and in fact demonstrates by his actions that he is not. Yet, there are those deluded individual...
I constantly try to say we need to be more socialist, and people either accuse me of being a communist (not socialist, btw) What do you mean by "communist not socialist"? What does it mean then when the COMMUNIST party of china talks about "the path of SOCIALISM with chi...
Uriah humbled himself before the Ark, and sons of Japheth would later accept the Virgin Mary as their mother, more so than the Jews. What does Talmudic Judaism teach of the fulfillment of the Ark, the Virgin Mary? The Talmud teaches that Mary “played the harlot with carpenters.” ...
Trump’s advisers seem to have mixed opinions on the president doing any self-funding, with some saying that his re-election effort has enough cash and that he does not nee to dip into his own money. The campaign will have twice as much money as it had in 2016, and new outside group...
To a greater degree than prior productions,Jesus of Nazarethsought to emphasize Jesus’ Jewishness and his continuity with existing Jewish belief, culture and tradition and to offer a positive portrayal of first-century Judaism. The British producer Lew Grade, who was Jewish, credited Paul VI with...