The GOP presidential nominee has repeatedly said that those Jews who plan to vote for Harris “should have their head examined,” and at one point asserted that “if you’re Jewish, if you vote for a Democrat, you’re a fool.” In a statement Thursday morning, White House spokesperson ...
If the admin of this site has a Jewish mother, I pray that he will someday find mercy and a place of t’shuva (repentance) so that he can truly reconnect with HKB’H. If he does not, and is a fake, then I can only echo the words of G-d: blessed are those who bless, ...
Jewish Apostles Taught:However, the Scriptures teach the soul is destructible and immortality is part of the gospel."Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body..." (Matthew 10:28) "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy" (James 4:12) "......
Romans 1:18-32 say that all men know God. How does it say they know Him? The true things about God to know Him are manifest “in them” (verse 19) — the law of God written in the heart and the conscience (2:15). Then “the invisible things of him from the creation of the ...
I could lecture extensively on Jewish theories of personhood and when an abortion is permitted, or even necessitated, by Jewish law. But this year, while studying with Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, an Orthodox theologian who might not always agree with me about when abortion is permissible, I realized...
Out of fairness to all, when setting the deadline, I take into account weekends and the Jewish holidays, which always interrupt election season. And I know that the other candidates also have family health issues and constraints like moving. Couldn’t this candidate have started on the question...
Soft on crime laws like no cash bail and releasing violent prisoners from jail. This is not social justice in any way, shape or form. It’s done purely for political gain and creates misery for law abiding citizens, particularly ones living in low income areas. It also does not help crim...
Q: Was it the butterfly ballots that violated Florida law and tricked more than 20,000 Democrats to vote for Buchanan or Gore and Buchanan. A: Nope. The Supreme Court has no problem believing that Buchanan got his highest, best support in a precinct consisting of a Jewish old age home ...
“Donald Trump has been clearthat he intends to weaponize the DOJ for his partisan interests,” Goldman added, “but I expect Todd and Emil to adhere to those principles and the rule of law in the face of any pressure to do otherwise.” ...
“Trump will not use the DOJ for political purposes, that is to go after individuals simply because they are political opponents,” Paoletta wrote. “But just because you are a political opponent does not give you … a free pass if you have violated the law.” ...