Junior doctors are failing to recognise ST elevation, and there are wide variations in practice, suggests UK research. Given that junior doctors usually decide who should be given thrombolytic therapy, the finding is of some concern, and perhaps the time has come for a consensus to be reached,...
What does base on the map mean? This layer of geographic information, serving as a background on the map and providing context for additional features like boundaries, rivers, lakes, roads, and highways, which do not change regularly, forms an indispensable part of any map. ...
How does GPS technology work? GPS works through a technique called trilateration. Used to calculate location, velocity and elevation, trilateration collects signals from satellites to output location information. It is often mistaken for triangulation, which is used to measure angles, not distances. Sa...
Not only does their experience cover a broad range of industries and geographies, but all are now corporate board directors involved in hiring CFOs. Our goal—modeled on our colleagues’ work on the CEO journey—was to investigate how to succeed at every stage of the CFO life cycle: ...
What does flat mean? Flat describes any surface that is level, smooth, and even, without slopes, curvature, or elevations, and is used across various contexts. 6 How do plains differ from flat surfaces? Plains are specific types of geographic features indicating extensive land areas, while flat...
How does "high" compare to "low"? High indicates greater elevation or intensity, while low refers to lesser degrees. 11 Can "high" be used to describe feelings? Yes, it can describe intense positive emotions, like being high on life. 10 What might cause someone to feel "high"? Experienc...
Does it always provide a clear delineation of your blood sugar control? Not always. First, there’s wobble—normal lab error. Surveys show that there can be as much as a 0.5% variation from lab to lab. Which might mean the difference between optimal control and borderline diabetes. But ...
High AST or ALT levels can indicate a problem with your liver. However, it does not usually mean you have a medical condition that needs treatment. There is also a wide gap between the upper limit of normal and dangerously high results. Mild elevations are generally considered to be two to...
What Is Solar Power? Biology What Is the Largest Predator That Ever Lived? Related Articles What Are Colligative Properties? What is Molar Solubility? What is a Melting Point? Which Material Has the Highest Melting Point? Discussion Comments ...
towards the lower end of the body of the mandible is a narrow channeled area called the mylohyoid groove. This indentation houses the mylohyoid nerve, which distributes nerve sensations to muscles such as the mylohyoid and the diagastric which aid in the elevation and depression of the ...