We conducted a study to determine the inter-rater reliability (IRR) of J-point location and measurement of the magnitude of ST elevation at the J-point on ECGs of patients with STEMI by emergency department (ED) doctors.HoonAccidentChin
aftertheJpoint,onthe12-leadECG,withoutcoexistent STelevation.Exclusioncriteriawere(1)STelevation(i)QRSandST–Tisointegrals—anintegration(i.e. (2)bundlebranchblockor(3)voltagecriteriaconsistentarea)oftheECGsignalundertheQRSandST–T withleftventricularhypertrophy(RwaveinaVLcurvesrespectivelyateachelectrodesite...
或双向反反向复极向复极心外膜下心肌缺血心外膜下心肌缺血T波改变波改变ST-T镜像改变镜像改变心梗后心梗后ST再次抬高再次抬高1.急性心包炎急性心包炎2.室壁瘤(前壁多见)室壁瘤(前壁多见)3.室壁运动异常室壁运动异常4.梗死延展或再梗死梗死延展或再梗死5.冠脉痉挛冠脉痉挛急性心包炎急性心包炎ST elevation 1...
What's the point of ST elevation? Emerg Med J 2002;19:126-8.Carley SD, Gamon R, Driscoll PA, Brown G, Wallman P. What's the point of ST elevation? Emerg Med J. 2002; 19:126-8.Carley SD, Gamon R, Driscoll PA, Brown G, Wallman P. What's the point of ST elevation? Emerg ...
(J point, or ST junction) and the beginning of theT wave. In the limb leads, the ST segment is isoelectric in about 75 percent of normal adults.19ST segment elevationor depression up to 0.1 mV generally is considered within normal limits.34ST segment elevation is more common and is ...
We analyzed the retrospective data and clinical outcomes of STEMI survivors who underwent successful primary coronary intervention from 2003 to 2007 in a single center, the Ajou University School of Medicine in Suwon, South Korea. We defined STEMI as new ST elevation at the J point in at least...
When can ST elevation be seen on ECG? In an ECG recorded at a paper speed of 25 mm/s and an amplification of 10 mm/mV, the ST segment elevation from the baseline should be measured 80 ms after the J point and is considered present if the deviation is ≥0.2 mV in men and ≥0.15...
Bazett’s and Fridericia’s formula (QTc) [7]. ST-segment deviation was assessed at the J-point in patients without RBBB or LBBB. Baseline level of ST-segment was defined as 0 mV and was defined as positive in...
upper reference limit in patients presenting with symptoms of ischemia together with new ST elevation at the J-point in two contiguous leads with the cut-off points: 0.2 mV in men or 0.15 mV in women in leads V2-V3 and/or 0.1 mV in other leads or new left bundle-branch block [14]....
心电图ST-T改变复习课程 心电图ST-T改变 mV+20 0 12 0 3 动作电位 绝对不应期 4 -90 有效不应期 相对不应期超常期 心电图 几个概念 •极化,过度极化,不全极化•除极•复极 心肌静息膜电位的形成 -80~95mv ++ + + + + + + + + ++ ...