J Wave. Osborn waves or “J” waves are seen mostly during hypothermia. This wave presents a small deflection at the junction, “J,” of the QRS complex and the ST segment. Epsilon Wave. Should you happen upon one, the Epsilon wave is not common. If you notice a regularly occurring, ...
ECG Basics Interval: ST Segment STEMI, ST depression, ST elevation, ECG Basics J Point Interval J-Point, ECG Basics QRS Morphology Interval QRS, broad, narrow ECG Anatomy Atrial Enlargement - LEFT Left Atrial Enlargement, LAE, Left atrial hypertrophy, LAH, left atrial abnormality, bifid P ...
J Point - end of QRS + begin of T, ↑ or ↓ of ST. Depression = ischemia; elevation = injury. 1mm is nml. T waves – ventric repole, last part of ventric systole. R on T phenomenon – leads to vfib; ♥ not pumping properly. Something other than p-maker is acting, leading...
000turns-5km ofwire.DuBiosReymonddevisedanotationforhisgalvanometerwhichhecalledthe'disturbancecurve'."o"wasthestableequilibriumpoint oftheastaticgalvanometerneedleandp,q,rands(andalsokandh)wereotherpointsinitsdeflection.DuBois-Reymond,E. UntersuchungenuberthierischeElektricitat.Reimer,Berlin:1848. •1850-...