freedom of any creation, by words, in writing, in pictures, by sounds or other means of communication in public are inviolable”. 言论自由载于《宪法》第 30 条第 1 款:“思想、观点或信仰言论自由, 以及在公共场所通过话语、书写、图 片、 声 音或 其 他 沟通 方式创造表...
Although the incentive for government officials to obtain benefits from enterprises has been suppressed as the Communist Party’s anti-corruption efforts have intensified, this does not mean that the connection between the government and private enterprises will weaken, because the government needs to co...
On this note, the word “president” ultimately comes from the Latin praesidere, meaning “to sit before” or “to preside over”- hence a presiding officer sitting over some group. This gave rise to the Old French “President”, meaning “presiding over” or “leader”, and, in turn, ...