what does punchy mean It is called abridged because episodes are not as long as the original episodes. There are two options for this tee: mustard or turquoise. The narrow shape, slightly rounded tip, and angle around the ball of your foot help your boots slide effortlessly into the stirrup...
What does it mean to be caught in a whirl? It means to be caught up in a rapid or chaotic series of events or emotions, often feeling overwhelmed. 5 Can objects twirl? Yes, objects can be twirled, especially in the context of being manipulated with skill and precision, like twirling ...
The inviolable body stood sincere. Serious Sincerely meant Mistook a sarcastic comment for a serious question. Sincere Being in reality what it appears to be; having a character which corresponds with the appearance; not falsely assumed; genuine; true; real; as, a sincere desire for knowledge; ...
and then another day, the police come and haul away the encampments, so maybe the protesters look like innocent victims. It seesaws back and forth, and it’s hard to see how this fits into the context of what a university is. That’s what I see missing the most. ...
in the following section the authors use the subtitle “Private Ownership in Socialist Countries”, which seems imappropriate in this context. Why is this related to socialist countries? I prefer to believe that this phenomenon is more common in economically less developed countries (most socialist ...
“That vulnerability in asking for help is, I think, often very much tied to, Well, what does this say about me?” But when you’re sick or burned out or exhausted, you simply can’t go it alone forever. That means being honest (with yourself, for starters) about the fact that ...
“Statues never represent the people on the monuments: They represent the interests of those who build them.” And “The reality of people in history — the mixture of good and evil, making individual choices within imposed systems, in a specific context — has no interest either for those ...
‘nice’ to gays does not mean that people like Harris can use the same language which was used to attack them in the past on the scapegoat of the week. And if we allow this kind of discourse to go on, then all groups will only have themselves to blame when their behaviour is ...
If, when I speak, I seem, to you, and to myself as well, to be more intimately and uninterruptedly there than at other times, if the voice provides me with acoustic persistence, this is not because I am extruding or depositing myself with my voice in the air, like the vapour ...
"Liberty is inviolable. I can neither sell nor alienate my liberty; every contract, every condition of a contract, which has in view the alienation or suspension of liberty, is null: the slave, when he plants his foot upon the soil of liberty, at that moment becomes a free man . . ....