HyperechoicHypophosphatasiaUltrasonographyFetusWe report a case of hypophosphatasia diagnosed using US and CT at 29weeks' gestation and confirmed by molecular analysis. Prenatal US revealed very short fetal limbs and severe demineralization of the skull. The diaphyses were normal, but the metaphyses of...
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a sensitive indicator of liver cell injury, has been used to identify patients with liver disease for almost 50 years (1). This cytosolic enzyme, which is found in many organs, catalyzes the transfer of the -amino group from alanine to -ketoglutaric acid (2)...
Some authors described the “target” sign while imaging the lower pelvis in the transverse plane, with the hyperechoic fundus surrounded by a rim, representing fluid within the space between the inverted fundus and the vaginal wall [11, 108]. During an ultrasound examination, leiomyomas usually ...
To our knowledge, the description of hyperechoic metaphyses in hypophosphatasia is unique and is a consequence of abnormal mineralization of the metaphyses that is specific to this pathology.Marie Brasseur-DaudruyValentine IckowiczSophie Degre
Linear array echoendoscopy for the management of pancreatic pseudocysts: What role does it have?doi:10.1016/S0016-5085(00)80413-8Maria E. Lopez-Acosta and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Vanegas and Alberto A. Farca-BelsaguyGastroenterology
Blood clots on the leads: most often airy, hypoechoic, flaccid, flag-like formations, sometimes large and hyperechoic with a smooth surface (Figure 1B, Movie S2). Vegetation-like masses: well-saturated formations resembling vegetations in shape and mobility, associated with leads and recorded in...