Some authors described the “target” sign while imaging the lower pelvis in the transverse plane, with the hyperechoic fundus surrounded by a rim, representing fluid within the space between the inverted fundus and the vaginal wall [11, 108]. During an ultrasound examination, leiomyomas usually ...
The mean diameter of these lesions as seen on EUS was 2.70 x 3.12 cm. Nine were round and 1 was oval. Because all were located inferolateral to the pancreatic tail and medial to the spleen, 5 of 10 were initially thought to be pancreatic masses. All of these lesions had a sharp and...
2.4. Definitions of Additional Structures on the Leads and Other Echocardiographic Findings Floating scar tissue attached to the lead: small, hyperechoic structures with uneven contours, more rigid and less mobile than clots of uniform echogenicity being components of scar tissue developed in response to...