An eGFR between 15 and 30 means your kidneys are moderately or severely damaged and are not working as they should. Stage 4 kidney disease should be taken very seriously – it is the last stage before kidney failure. At Stage 4 kidney disease, many people have symptoms such as: Swelling ...
These samples may confirm whether the tumor is primary or secondary. For example, you might have a tumor in your breast, but under the microscope the cells appear to belung cancercells. That means the cancer started in your lungs (primary) and traveled to your breast (secondary). The patho...
This is the single most common benign bump present on people as they age. (Benign means it does not indicate skin cancer). Lesions may be present anywhere on the body and generally do not produce symptoms. They appear as black, brown, or yellow bumpy lesions which give the appearance of ...
The NOS suffix means that molecular information is insufficient or not available to make a specific diagnosis. The use of NEC encompasses that adequate analyses have been undertaken but the results do not provide a precise diagnosis within the WHO classification scheme, often then a more descriptive...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a tool for studying gene expression at the single-cell level that has been widely used due to its unprecedented high resolution. In the present review, we outline the preparation process and sequencing platforms
AKI was associated with the risk of mechanical ventilation (OR 6.46), the risk of mortality (OR 6.71) and prolonged in-patient treatment (OR 5.56). Predictors of acute kidney failure were age, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, restriction of kidney function (lower filtration rate/ eGFR)...
The patients with high microsatellite instability (MSI-H)/mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) tumors recently have been reported that can benefit from immunotherapy, and MSI can be used as a genetic instability of a tumor detection index. However, many stud
(P)RR). Following its discovery, intense research started into its function, which had some initial success stories, but is recently moving more and more to prorenin-independent functions. Now, after a decade of (P)RR research, it is time to make up the score for this receptor: Does it...
handgrip strength (HGS) and performance tests (sit-to-stand-chair-test and 6-min-walk-test) were significantly lower in the older senior CKD patients [52]. A study based on the EQUAL study (n = 1334) showed that the risk of PEW in CKD patients with eGFR < 20 ml/min incre...
First, FFE is a continuous electrophoretic separation technique, which means that large amounts of samples (almost unlimited) can be used. This of course bodes well with Top Down mass spectrometry, as the MS analysis of intact proteins often require much larger amounts of starting material than...