the three spent style the three tenors in c the three unities the throb of a people the throne of jade em the thrust and parry the thunderer the tide will take th the tientsin universi the tiger jump the tight web the time in francecla the time in the mirro the time literature a the...
Go get ‘em, tiger. what to eat on race day: A Plan Remember to try it before race day. 7.00 Breakfast White roll + honey + slice of cheese Egg + salt on it A small cup of oatmeal + blueberry jam Orange juice + water Coffee ...
for America and the West, he’s been a disaster and a deeply unsettling embarrassment to both man and God. He’s more polarizing than Trump and twice as dangerous. He sees Evil that does not exist
Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles - poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more orig...
tigereye tigerish tigerism tilefish tilelike tileries timebomb timecard timeless timelier timeline timeouts timepass timework timeworn tiredest tireless tireling tiresome together toheroas tokening tokenism tolerant tolerate toleware tomentum tonearms toneless tonepads tonetics tonettes toreador toreutic...
Seriously, go put on “Clash City Rockers” (the 1st song) and see what I mean. Then move over to “Complete Control” and pay attention to what it does to your body (I just listened to it again for the millionth time: adrenaline and goosebumps…again). I have to listen to the ...
2. Does Chinese have four tones? Yes and No. Yes, pronunciation include the confusing “tones”, which scared the heck out of many Chinese beginners. If I say there are actually more than four tones, are you going to instantly shut down the browser and give up learning Chinese? Please ...
Ronald Reagan “When a business or an individual spends more than it makes, it goes bankrupt. When government does it, it sends you the bill. And when government does it for 40 years, the bill comes in two ways: higher taxes and inflation. Make no mistake about it, inflation is a tax...
Reputation is essentially the collective belief or opinion others hold about an individual. It stems from the Latin word “reputationem,” meaning “consideration.” Therefore, if you are deemed trustworthy and kind, you are said to have a good reputation, which is a reflection of how you are...
Melissa’s image does show a greenish margin around the front of the pronotum, although it is difficult to make out, but other markings on the rest of the dorsal surface are slightly different. The underside looks quite similar. The differences could be due variability in the species, or ...