GoEmPHP - This package is built for Embedding PHP into Golang. goenv - Create an isolated environment where you install Go packages, binaries, or even C libraries. Very similar to virtualenv for Python. golemon - A port of the Lemon parser-generator goll1e - An LL(1) parser genera...
Tiger Tonic - framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard web.go - a simple framework to write webapps wfdr - Simple web framework designed for and written in go. Works with other lanauges as well, but not as well. GEP - A simple web framework similar to JSP. Writ...
Tiger Tonic - framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard web.go - a simple framework to write webapps wfdr - Simple web framework designed for and written in go. Works with other lanauges as well, but not as well. GEP - A simple web framework similar to JSP. Writ...
siphash – SipHash: a fast short-input pseudorandom function tiger – Tiger cryptographic hashing algorithm whirlpool – whirlpool cryptographic hashing algorithm cryptogo – some useful cryptography-related functions, including paddings (PKCS7, X.923), PBE with random salt and IV Data Processing Heka ...
in scrolling through my feed, I saw more misogynistic posts from college Instagram meme pages and photos of emaciated teen influencers in bikinis than I could count; yet somehow the social media powers that be had deemed a video of a thick hippo dancing with a tiger too offensive for the ...
The left’s flaw is a mile wide. No, seriously. We don’t see it, because we don’t fully understand them, the way they don’t understand us. We’re better at predicting them, but we look at them and go “How would someone get so fucked up.” ...
hesitating Hesorgem hetakasira hetanae heyhey heyjo hezuile hfarman hfbjmnsky hh59 hhfjxhfbDE hhhh14 hhj1976 hi hi4uka hiami hibinohumi HiddenFace hidora Hiepkhach hierarch higaki94 High High555 high77 HighDan highhand,Ml9799 hihi HIHIHI hiid1997 hiimkeiju Hiiri1 hikachu hikago hikago...