Does citric acid cycle produce NADH? Where in the cell does the citric acid cycle occur? Why is the citric acid cycle aerobic? Why is the citric acid cycle a cyclic pathway? Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle? What do glycolysis and the citric acid cycle have in common?
Does de novo fatty acid synthesis happen in adipocytes? What causes excessive protein catabolism? Where does fat digestion begin? What causes cells to move in embryonic development? What is a function of fat in the body? Does glycolysis happen in adipocytes?
What is the immediate result of stopping the glycolysis process? What is the substance on which an enzyme acts during a chemical reaction? What are chemical reactions that convert energy within a cell? How is energy made available by chemical reactions? What holds neurotransmitters? What is the ...
Have you ever wondered what the doctor is measuring when he does a lipid screen? Or why a lipid screen is even necessary to begin with? In this lesson, you will learn about how fats and lipids travel through your body and what those numbers really mean. ...
It stops the histidine from mixing with other amino acids in protein formation. The result is high concentrations of carnosine in the muscle cells. This leads to better physical performance. More pH is buffered, which delays or prevents muscle fatigue. Glycolysis: This term means the breakdown ...
In fact, ketones (BHB) increase NADPH via (i) decreasing glycolysis and increasing pentose phosphate pathway flux and (ii) increase citrate export by the citrate-isocitrate and citrate pyruvate shuttles. Jargon aside, this is important because it’s NADPH that support ALL antioxidant systems, ...
The first step of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration is glycolysis, which does not require oxygen in either case. The purpose of glycolysis is to break down our starting material, glucose, which is a common simple sugar and jam-packed with energy potential. During the process of glycolysis...
Glycolysis: This is a 10-step metabolic pathway that converts glucose to pyruvate and in doing so generates ATP (cellular energy). The Krebs Cycle (also known as the Citric Acid Cycle): This is the main driver of cellular respiration or energy creation. It takes the oxidized form of pyruva...
The ONLY answer that can explain the rise of cancer which correlates precisely with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins. This is especially so if you consider thevarious forms of radiation to be toxins. Granted that correlation does not always equal causation, but it does more often tha...
What is the last water molecule formed during glycolysis? A. Water B. Carbon dioxide C. Citric acid D. Pyruvate The reaction for photosynthesis can be represented as follows: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2. 1. Compare the structure of carbon dioxide and...