So, what do angels really look like? What is a biblically accurate description of an angel? Will we know when we see one? The answer to this actually entirely depends on what form they take. Angels, being spiritual beings, can take on different forms. As we see in Scripture, angels ...
So, when the Bible uses the word faith, what does it mean? The Bible's closest to offering an exact definition is Hebrews 11:1:“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” From this particular passage, we see that the central feature of ...
What does having faith mean? Learn the biblical definition of faith and how we can have faith in God in this guide.
Does technology really detract from God’s glory? Tim brings this back around to the idea of subduing creation in Genesis 1. Technology can bend towards evil or exalting humans, but it can also be used to carry out the task that God gave in the garden. If humans realize that they live...
Does technology really detract from God’s glory? Tim brings this back around to the idea of subduing creation in Genesis 1. Technology can bend towards evil or exalting humans, but it can also be used to carry out the task that God gave in the garden. If humans realize that they li...
So what happens when we, as humans, create life via cloning? What does it do to God’s image? Let’s explain God’s design for the human body biblically. The Bible tells us that our bodies are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19). They belong to the person who made them, God. Out...
What Does the Bible Say About Soulmates The Bible uses the term “soul” extensively, over 700 times in the KJV, highlighting its significance. In the Old Testament, we read inGenesis 2:7that“man became a living soul”when God breathed life into him. The Hebrew word “soul” (Nephesh)...
What does that mean to you? We all have an innate sense that there is more than what the eye can see. However, since we do not see it, we often fail to believe in it. If we do not believe in it, then we cannot be aware of all that is going on, for and...
I can still remember decades ago my son coming home from school and declaring evolution was a viable belief. I passionately denied based on my understanding of the Bible and Genesis. I have since admitted to him I could be wrong. It took a while for me to be more open-minded....
Paul David Tripp suggests that if isolation from the culture (rejection) is on one end of the spectrum, and immersion in the culture (assimilation) is on the other end, then Christians can find a biblically-appropriate place between the two. He calls this place, “redemption interaction.” ...