The word “genesis” literally means “origin.” The Book of Genesis is exactly that: a book about the origin of all things. The story of Adam and Eve, which explains the origins of man’s fallen condition, is familiar to people of every faith. In the center of the garden in which G...
Literally, let "winged creatures" fly. The fowls include all tribes covered with feathers that can raise themselves hate the air. The English version produces the impression that they were made from the waters, which is contrary to Genesis 2:19. The correct rendering disposes of the difficulty...
Great store of servants; or rather, of husbandry, as this word is elsewhere used; of corn-fields, vineyards, &c.; for he is describing his riches, which then consisted in the two things here expressed, cattle and lands, which he diligently and successfully managed, Genesis 26:12. Gill...
(In Genesis, the first human, Adam, is created from earth and breath. God fashions him from the dust/mud/earth, and then breathes life into his nostrils. The earth is the body; the breath is Spirit/soul/consciousness). The word ‘golem’ occurs once in the Hebrew Old Testament, in ...
world.49 It is generally accepted that the book of Jubilees was originally composed in Hebrew.50 Since the book of Genesis was part of à l'époque où le mot passa en grec" ("without a doubt more frequent in the time period that the word passed into Greek") ("Σαββατα," ...
The Latin wordsanimus,spirit, andanima, soul, are the same as the Greekanemos, wind. The other Greek word for wind,pneuma,means also spirit. In Gothic we find the same word inus-anan, to breathe out, and in Latinan-helare, to pant. In Old High German,spiritus sanctuswas rendered by...
Genesis 1 on its own terms and as a product of its own cultural context. Let me provide a few specific examples. When Creationists read in English “God created the sky and the earth,” they assume that the word “earth” means the planet Earth and “sky” means the open blue space ...
One word more; I charge thee That thou attend me: thou dost here usurp The name thou owest not; and hast put thyself Upon this island as a spy, to win it From me, the lord on't. FERDINAND No, as I am a man. MIRANDA There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple: If the ...
Cainoffered his sacrifice to the Lord without faith, and was therefore unacceptable to God (Genesis 4, Hebrews 11:4). Then Cain became angry at his brother Abel (who had offered the Lord an acceptable offering) and killed him. Jude says that Cain typifies a way that the “certain men”...
Literally, the moving, from ramas, to move or creep. This is the second class of sheretzim. The term remes is specially descriptive. of creeping animals (Genesis 9:2), either on land (Genesis 7:14) or in water (Psalm 69:35), though here it clearly signifies aquatic tribes. Which ...