He ganked off with my bike. See more words with the same meaning:to steal. Last edited on Dec 10 1996. Submitted bySandrea Sandersfrom St Louis, MO, USA onDec 10 1996. to take; BUM. Can Iganksome of your fries? See more words with the same meaning:to have, take, get. ...
Does gang mean gangster? While the terms "gang" and "gangster" are related, they don't mean the same thing. A "gang" is a group of people who often engage in illegal activities, whereas a "gangster" is an individual who is a member of such a group. Is gank a league term? Yes,...
3:08:18-end:Closing comments…of a sort. Graeme is overjoyed we made it halfway through the questions (even after Jeff points out that we’re only a third of the way through the questions). By which I mean, we kinda can’t shut up, in part because Graeme wants to talk about readi...
Dinner isn't sitting right, I think it's giving me the graggs. No more tequila for me, that last shot made megragg. also associated with dishonest or unethical business practice(s). To be compared with:gankedjackedscrewed Bernie Madoff gragged thousands of investors out of their hard earne...
Getting ganked AND losing Tel Var is just a double frustrating moment, that seriously effects the possible enjoyment of IC. If they removed the Tel Var loss on death, it removes that disdain for possibly losing them, stops rewarding gankers, lessens stress in IC, as well as encouraging risk...
It doesn’t mean I think pvp sucks though, I know many players enjoy it. It’s just not my cup of tea. This fairly sums me up as well. I play games to relax, and PvP is not relaxing for me. I do venture into WvW, but am easily ganked even by day 1 WvW'ers I'm sure...
you're being ganked on both sides and outnumbered everywhere which is a terrible experience especially if you're new. Expand legit the first person to give good advice instead of telling me "leave or deal with it", thanks 3 Dawdler.8521 Members 13.1k Posted November 25, 2021 On ...
From the boyfriend you ganked and that’s pretty bad I mean that’s pretty sad when you’re dating a black guy And then you turn around and fuck another big black guy Now that’s pretty wrong, but you’re just ganking But that’s okay because you need a goddamn spanking From me, ...
Getting ganked AND losing Tel Var is just a double frustrating moment, that seriously effects the possible enjoyment of IC. If they removed the Tel Var loss on death, it removes that disdain for possibly losing them, stops rewarding gankers, lessens stress in IC, as well as encouraging risk...
Getting ganked AND losing Tel Var is just a double frustrating moment, that seriously effects the possible enjoyment of IC. If they removed the Tel Var loss on death, it removes that disdain for possibly losing them, stops rewarding gankers, lessens stress in IC, as well as encouraging risk...