What does GANK mean? GANK is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the GANK definition is given. Other terms relating to 'steal': ·BEAKNose Insult To Steal ·BOOSTto steal ·D BOSteal ·DEBOSteal ·KSKill Steal ...
I'm going togankyour happy ass. See more words with the same meaning:to kill. Last edited on Apr 02 2013. Submitted bySandrea Sandersfrom St Louis, MO, USA onDec 10 1996. to steal. Alsogankoff with. I ganked a chair from his room. ...
What does gank mean in slang? In slang, particularly in online gaming, "gank" refers to the act of ambushing and attacking an opponent, often with the advantage of superior numbers or positioning. 8 Why is it called a gang? The term "gang" originates from the Old English word "gan,"...
What does FTK mean? FTK is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the FTK definition is given. AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ0123456789Other Other terms relating to 'kids': ·DGKDirty Ghetto Kids (skateboards) ...
gank Definitions include: to execute or murder, usually with a firearm. deebo Definitions include: to steal or take away from. cuff Definitions include: to steal. loot Definitions include: money. rip off Definitions include: to give someone a bad bargain. (show 61 more) Slang terms with the...
,厕(cè) Definition & Meaning - What does 厕 mean in Ch..., 8yue28ri上午,中国mei矿文gong团召kai干部da会,xuan布文gong团领dao任命jue定。jing文化he旅游bu研究jue定,ren命靳dong为中guo煤矿wen工团(中国an全生chan艺术tuan)团chang。 jianchiyindizhiyi、kexuekanghan,hekuguanqujishikaizhafang...
What does Adam mean? What's the meaning of Adam in text or chat message slang? Answer Question 0 1inLanguage & ReferenceReport 1 Answer OnlineSlang 0 Adam in internet slang means: The lucky guy who first had sex on this planet
在你dota的时候,在你专心farm的时候,在gank频繁的时候,在团战激烈的时候。铃声响起。我的手机铃声是个小loli,稚嫩的童声唱着,if you sing a song, while you sing alone, I sing a song,sing alon---dota的时候,总是我一个人,周围静悄悄的。然后很突兀的响起歌声。我觉得每一个DOTAer都经历过的挣扎。接,...
Roam What does roam mean in League of Legends? 132 +11 To move between lanes In League of Legends (LoL), to roam means to move betweenlanesduring thelaningphase.Supportsandjunglersoften roam, to help their teammatesgankopposing champions....
,...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di..., 详xi剖析liang个企ye补税an例,ye能一ding程度shang消除shang述担you。枝jiang酒业zhi所以bei要求bu缴8500wan元消fei税,zhi接原yin是审ji部门fa现问ti,税wu部门ju此执xing。 guojiatiyuzongjutiyuwenhuayutiyuxuanchuanfazhanzhanlveyanjiuzhongxin...