The ‘Black Wednesday massacre was carried out in direct response to a Fatwa (religious decree) issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, who directly ordered Ahmad Madani, the then-military governor of Ahwaz to organize the massacre of all the members of political and cultural organizations of the Ahwazi Ar...
Although most Druze no longerconsider themselves Muslim, Al Azhar of Egypt recognized them in 1959 as one of the Islamic sects in the Al-Azhar Shia Fatwa due to political reasons, as Gamal Abdel Nasser saw it as a tool to spread his appeal and influence across the entire Arab world. Wher...
were more detrimental to biological control organisms in field experiments, and had higher [environmental impact] at field use rates.” So much for that! Another
00 The Palestinian Embassy projecting a documentary film at UNSCO Palace 20:00 Balamnd University Graduation Commencement under the patronage of Greek Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius IV 20:30 Under the patronage of Mufti Mohammad Kabbani a dinner party in honor of Dar El-Fatwa's medical center is ...
does not consider deviants to be deviants or does believe they are deviants Furthermore: if sullah kulli can mean: fasiq, ghumrah, or even in its most extreme form, kafir, then how useful is it to use a single term whose intended meaning may be ambiguous? Last edited: Dec 15, 2021...
It’s time we calm down and fight terror with antiterror. This does not mean that we simply roll over and accept terrorism. There are things our governmentcan and shoulddo to fight terrorism, most of theminvolvingintelligence and investigation—and not focusing onspecific plots. ...
The serious wounding of U.S. Representative Giffords and killing of 6 others this January in Tucson, Arizona by a young man using a semi-automatic pistol naturally stimulated considerable anguish. As in all other mass shooting rampages there were also im