The ‘Black Wednesday massacre was carried out in direct response to a Fatwa (religious decree) issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, who directly ordered Ahmad Madani, the then-military governor of Ahwaz to organize the massacre of all the members of political and cultural organizations of the Ahwazi Ar...
Are Druze Shia? Although most Druze no longerconsider themselves Muslim, Al Azhar of Egypt recognized them in 1959 as one of the Islamic sects in the Al-Azhar Shia Fatwa due to political reasons, as Gamal Abdel Nasser saw it as a tool to spread his appeal and influence across the entire...
A fatwa is a religious edict. Such edicts bind only those who seek to follow the Imam issuing them but can be regarded as an option for others seeking an alternative view. —Maajid Nawaz 76 Truth is not over there, wherever over there is. Truth is neither housed in religious rituals nor...
If proved true, the wet nurse's unsolicited testimony would mean that the married couple were related to each other through milk kinship; a type of kinship that bars marriage in Islam. Although the husband insisted that the wet nurse must be lying, it was reported that the Prophet of Islam...
Chris Williams:Yeah, so this is like a what does in mean in the case, right. And my thing is, it’s interesting case sure, but it seems like something that should be dealt with by legislature. It shouldn’t be somebody with a gavel deciding what the price of attending college...
Filing a police report does not mean that you have to also press charges and wind up in court. Also, you can request a publication ban on your name so that you don’t get pilloried by Internet trolls. So one thing that has become clear is that people don’t really realize the ins...
On the surface, many of Rumi's poems and passages appear to be about romance, but according to experts, his wisdom on topics of union and separation transcend that one narrow version of love. In this instance, "separation" may not just mean distance from a lover or loved one, bu...
does not consider deviants to be deviants or does believe they are deviants Furthermore: if sullah kulli can mean: fasiq, ghumrah, or even in its most extreme form, kafir, then how useful is it to use a single term whose intended meaning may be ambiguous? Last edited: Dec 15, 2021...
enforcement of the rationalizations of the various moral and other disorders encompassed in the alphabet soup moniker. Biden claims he is “taking historic actions to finally deliver full equality for LGBTQ+ families.” But what does the equality so far achieved by this dysfunctional group mean ...
Why does the word ‘liberal’ not mean the same thing it meant a hundred years ago? It used to mean almost-anarchist. ‘Irrelevant personal jibes aside, you should do research before speaking. You’ve assumed a definition of “anarchist” that implies a subscriber to “anarchism” instead ...