I am new to using ANNs practically so please be patient! I have two main questions 1. what does MU actually mean in the trainbr function? I have looked at documentation but the math is above my level of understanding. 2. I have matrices of EEG data. Each column ...
SphereFace [58] represents class centers in the angular space and penalizes the angles between deep features and their corresponding weights in a multiplicative way, since authors found out that linear transformation matrix in the last fully connected layer of the CNN is useful for this issue. Thus...
In parallel, we recorded panoramic 'ant's eye' images in order to quantify the panoramic alteration of the scenery caused by the landmark displacements. This approach allowed us to relate the ants' behaviour not only to the landmark, but to the whole panoramic scene, providing us with ...
and a persistence of this error reduction 1 week later. This was evident from the significant effect of Time on distance error (F(1.7,61,9) = 116.6, p < 0.001,η2p = 0.76; Greenhouse–Geisser corrected due to violation of sphericity; mean ± SD of distance error: pr...
Polymorphismmeans that an object can mean or be used differently in different contexts. Inheritance means that object classes can reuse code from other classes. For example, relationships between objects can be assigned to create a class hierarchy, which enables developers to reuse coding logic to ...
The error function evaluated at x will say how much probability there is for an outcome of a random variable with 0 mean and 1 s to lie between 0 and x, or between infinity and x (depending on which version of erf(x) is used). In a system where the signal is either S or -S,...
SERDES DFE Equalizer Structure, with Linear Equalizer&Eye-Test In order to understand the working principle of DFE, let's first look at the impulse response of a 10Gbps backplane. This backplane model is a model based on actual measurements given by Matlab and has typical characteristics. ...
absence of rhyme and meter influence eye movements while reading poetry? 2. Does their presence vs. absence reflect readers’ subjective aesthetic evaluations of poems? These questions take two basic approaches in empirical aesthetics as their point of departure. On the one hand, specific properties...
Finally, Dr. Peter Bishop finished his PhD at Griffith University in Australia and came to join us as a DAWNDINOS postdoc. He blasted out three of histhesis chapters (starting here)with me and many others as coauthors, all three papers building on a major theme: how does the inner bone...
The mean values of 27 spectral indices in the PeITCs were calculated in each plot, and the optimal model was constructed for quantitative estimation of the PPCs in the PeITCs, then the inversion results were compared and verified based on GF-6 and ZY1-02D satellite imageries respectively. ...