以下是eyediagram函数的基本语法: matlab复制代码 eyediagram(x, y,'LineSpec') 其中: x和y是两个向量,分别表示 x 轴和 y 轴的数据。 'LineSpec'是一个可选参数,用于指定线条的颜色、线型和宽度。 例如,以下代码将绘制一个简单的交互式图形: matlab复制代码 x = [12345]; y = [1491625]; eyediagram(x...
eyediagram是Matlab中用来绘制眼图的函数。眼图是用来观察数字信号在接收端的信号质量以及其中包含的噪声和失真情况的重要工具。眼图通过将数字信号分成若干窗口进行显示,可以直观地观察到信号的抖动和时钟偏移情况,对于分析和诊断信号的传输质量非常有帮助。 二、语法 在Matlab中使用eyediagram函数可以按照以下语法进行调用: ...
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. Version History Introduced in R2016b collapse all R2022a:comm.EyeDiagramhas been removed comm.EyeDiagram has been removed. To display the eye diagram of a signal, use theeyediagramfunction instead. ...
eyediagram(x,n)generates an eye diagram for signalx, plottingnsamples in each trace. The labels on the horizontal axis of the diagram range between –1/2 and 1/2. The function assumes that the first value of the signal and everynth value thereafter, occur at integer times. ...
Hello, i recently stumbled upon this little article: Matlab Eye Diagram and for my school work I need to calculate BER aswell. Is there any code i could implement into this one so it calcules BER aswell ? Thanks ! 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시...
eyediagram(txSig(sps*span+1:sps*span+1000),2*sps) Display 1000 points of the received signal eye diagram. eyediagram(rxSig(sps*span+1:sps*span+1000),2*sps) Observe that the received eye diagram begins to close due to the presence of AWGN. Moreover, the filter has finite length which...
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. Version HistoryIntroduced in R2016b collapse all R2022a: comm.EyeDiagram has been removed comm.EyeDiagram has been removed. To display the eye diagram of a signal, use the eyediagram function instead. ...
Displays the eye diagram of a signal as an intensity map, similarly to a digital oscilloscope 팔로우 5.0 (1) 다운로드 수: 2.9K 업데이트 날짜: 2007/8/13 라이선스 없음공유 MATLAB Online에서 열기 다운로드 ...
Recorded simulation data is only present in the memory as long as the corresponding MATLAB instance is active. More About expand all Applicable Signals Vehicle and World Coordinate Views Tips To find the source of a signal within the model, in the left pane of the scope, right-click a signal...
Principle and application of microsystem.aSchematic diagram of the use of a compound eye microsystem on embodied intelligent robots.bMicrosystem architecture and multiplexing image sensor principle.cPrinciple of 3D position measurement.dSchematic diagram of application of compound eye microsystem in target ...