Empty CellExposed to SARSUnexposedΔMean NMeanNMean Dependent variables Episodic memory (range: 0–10) 1,619 3.81 2,097 3.50 0.31∗∗∗ Mental intactness (range: 0–11) 1,619 7.81 2,097 7.60 0.21∗ Cognitive summary (range: 0–21) 1,619 11.62 2,097 11.10 0.52∗∗∗ ...
While growth rate may correlate with photosynthesis, for instance when C assimilation is regulated by the C demand, this does not mean causation (Fatichi et al., 2019). Moreover, global observations show that the positive effect of atmospheric CO2 on vegetation productivity temporally declines, ...
Williams also offers an analysis of Putnam's view on the causal relations between diseases and symptoms. First, Williams notes that Putnam rejects the descriptivist claim that a disease refers to a cluster of symptoms. For instance, Putnam states that “multiple sclerosis” does not mean “the ...
It is important to notethat especially streaming media is often sent using UDP, a network protocol thatdoes not offer any guarantee on correctness, completeness or order. This lack ofcorrectness makes streaming data prone to unrecovered transmission errors which(whenrandomlyaffectinganI-frame)willhavea...
Motivated by the performance of Sparse R-CNN withdense distinct queriesdoes not achieve a plateau with around seven thousand queries, we propose to introduce densely distributed queries on each location of the image which can be then converted todense distinct queries. These densely distributed querie...
R.I.Khrapko 1 Abstract Doesthemassofbodiesdependontheirvelocity?Isthemassadditiveifseparate bodiesarejoinedtogethertoformacompositesystem?Isthemassofanisolatedsystem conserved?Differentteachersofphysicsandspecialistsgivedifferentanswerstothese questionsbecausethereisnogeneralagreementonthedefinitionofmass..Wesh...
Nonetheless, RFB modifies the meaning of the term “flow” since here “flow” does not mean “a process of flowing” (e.g., removing debris), but “a thing that flows” (e.g., debris). Thus, flows are no longer conversions of matter, energy, and signal, but chunks of matter, ...
to distinguish residues on the two PUFs. Field data should not be arbitrarily discarded because some analytes broke through to the backup PUF trap. The fractional collection efficiencies can be used to estimate air concentrations from quantities retained on the PUF trap when sampling is not ...